Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Review of sketches for project #2

During class it was brought to my attention that half of my sketches were of kitchen ware which apparently is different from hard ware. So after having my ideas cut in half and the realization that we can't really be swinging an axe in the studio we decided to go with the hammer and rock idea.
So after the idea was pinned down we as a group made sure we were all on the same page. Each of us is going to bring in a hammer so we can see whose got the best. I'm going to collect more rocks from my apartment complex, Richard's going to find a piece of wood that can be used to fill the negative space between the rocks. The reason for the wood is more precautionary that it is actually needed for the shoot. We figured it would be better to have some wood fill the negative space apposed to the table top used in the studio. Film and Polaroids have been acquired, roles designated and props are being acquired. All is on track for a quick and successful photoshoot.

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