Saturday, April 26, 2008

shoot 3

For the third shoot I wanted to make some sort of political/campaign poster. I think the campaign part is a bit of a flop but the political aspect came off rather successful. The idea was to make some sort of comment of socialist issues and the fear in america of social programs. The hands are there to represent a question. A question of whether they represent hand outs, an offering or asking. I feel this can be interpruted all three ways. For the me the interesting notion is that the viewer can decide which of the three ways to interpret the hands and there meaning. The mask is to represent fear, the fear mentioned of social programs. I made two different versions for crit cause I couldn't decide which I liked better. After the crit it was agreed that the darker one was the best. I looked to propaganda posters/imagery to refrence. I included a few of those.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Project 2

Ive decided to do an album cover. These are one of my favorite things to do when it comes time for making some extra cash. So I again kept to my style of image making, tractors and alot of post production. The cover is for Ned's Atomic Dustbin which is a fav. artist of mine but man do there album covers suck. So here is my attempt (below the Ned's Atomic Dustbin original).

estimate below:

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Book Cover

So for the first project I've decided to redo a book cover. The original(Below) is pretty bad so it wasn't very hard to improve. The title leaves the cover to be wide open with the imagination so I got a little crazy.

below is my Project estimate.

who would've thought that I can continue my own image making and have it apply to commercial photography?!